Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Detective Work Needed!

            In recent years there have been huge swings in the price of crude oil that has made an immense dent on the pockets of the consumers. The prices have gone from the low of 69 dollars a barrel to the high of 145 dollars a barrel in this time period. These fluctuations have put a huge strain on the consumers because they are the ones that get the short end of the stick from these situations. The thing about this is that supply has been steady for the past 6 years and demand has not fluctuated in such a fashion that can make the price of crude to swing as high as it has.
            The government needs to call on thorough investigations in the crude oil industry and demand real answers as to why these fluctuations exist. If one follows the laws of supply and demand, one can understand that huge oscillations cannot exist if both supply and demand are constant. There seems to be other motives for the instability of crude oil so the government must stand in to find the culprit of the instability and remove it from the equation. Manipulation of the oil market through speculation to drive up prices is not needed in the market because this is not helping the economy grow and prosper. Oil is a major player in our economy and manipulating it is giving a lot of power to a few which puts the economy and the consumer in the hands of the speculator’s wrath.  

Friday, November 11, 2011

Understanding Politics

GMARTIN on their blog “Obama for reelection yes or no” presents an interesting comment on what Obama is fixing to run on and why we should not reelect him to the Presidency. Martin states that the reason why we should not reelect Obama is because he has not made a dent on the major issues that he originally sought out to conquer. The blogger does recognize that things do not change overnight but does not recognize to see the politics at play in Washington. If one looks at history of law making and the history of the administrations that were able to accomplish some of their goals, one can see a correlation of parties in power. When the party in power in the legislature is the same as the one in the executive, those administrations get more done. If those differ, the administrations will not accomplish much because of the politics that are played in Washington.   
 Another thing that Martin mentions that Obama has not done well with the economy and that his job plan costs $447 billion and that is too expensive. Martin is not understanding what that job plan is aimed at doing. There are two major things this plan is aimed at accomplishing; one is better our infrastructure and restart the money flow. First is better our infrastructure, this is the basic needs to support an economy. Better and rejuvenate our roads, highway systems, airports, ports, sewage systems, energy, etc. that will help sustain the economy. Without these an economy will not grow and the key is to make it grow. This leads to the second goal which is to restart the money flow.  The number one goal for an economy is to maintain money moving because that means things are being produced, bought and sold. This means that everyone is making money and everyone is growing. Now if the government does not start up the money flow by spending this money no one will.  People arguing against this will say privatize infrastructure and things will get done. Now if a company does all of these jobs, they will not do it for free. They are going to make a business out of it and charge people to use these things at a rate that is more expensive than what the government will take as tax.