Thursday, September 15, 2011

To Trust or Not to Trust?

    In HPV vaccine, Merck and Rick Perry's money, Sheila Krumholz and Michael Beckel discuss the role that companies play in politics. In this case they are looking at the questioning Rick Perry confronted by the other GOP candidates about the mandate of the HPV vaccine on young girls. They question his motive for making an executive order for this mandate to pass; was the decision taken because it is known that Merck has given Rick Perry a lot of money for his gubernatorial campaigns. The issue of being bought was raised by the other GOP candidates. The reason that this is an important editorial to read is because it puts to question the motives of decisions that are taken by our leaders. One then has to question how strong lobbying is and how much that affects our lives? Are we fed certain drugs because that company gave our leaders a lot of money or is it that those drugs are the best? As citizens we must feel that our leaders are being honest with us when they are making decisions that will affect us. The problem when these types of situations arise is that one starts to mistrust all of our elected officials. In order for a government to work, the citizens must trust its elected officials. When gains to a leader and the company is the result of a decision, that creates a huge mistrust of the system which creates bad government.   

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